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What is your cancellation policy?

Written cancellation requests must be sent to [email protected]. Phone or LiveChat requests are not considered official cancellation requests.  SGT reserves the right to cancel the order at any time, at SGT’s discretion.  Any non-refundable deposits can be applied towards a new shipment within 6 months from the date that the original order was canceled. Customer authorizes SGT to process a one time cancellation fee of $149 on Customer's credit/debit card at the time of cancellation when one or more of the following occurs:
(A) Customer cancels without sending a written cancellation notice to [email protected].
(B) Cancellation occurs before the estimated pickup window  expires.
(C) Cancellation occurs for a transport that is double-booked with other broker companies.
(D) Cancellation occurs where the vehicle description has been misrepresented or inaccurate shipment details were provided by Customer as listed in the Customer Shipping Contract (CSC). 
(E) Cancellation occurs where Customer Restrictions or payment issues cause delay or the inability to pick up within the estimated pickup window.
(F) Cancellation occurs due to delays caused to the estimated pickup window by Customer requests to change the completed Customer Shipping Contract (CSC) or by not completing the Customer Shipping Contract (CSC).  As per our Dispute and Collections policy, additional fees may be applicable

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